Monday, September 25, 2006

Archvision Content Manager License

Tax evasion

back at this point, the speech had done in previous articles, the seller is obliged to declare the real price (and, therefore, to pay us taxes) does not fear a tax audit, but by fear (more immediate and tangible) of losing the customer who has an interest in its exact opposite (ie you can declare all the money, to be able to climb from the taxes that she will have to pay). In the same way (with existing rules and elements already in possession of the tax administration) would be enough to go and check made payable to those who are certain vehicles and certain super super villas (taste, perhaps, a little 'tacky ...) and reported as income as the "poor" (for tax) owners. You could (a "no cost" to the IRS) to recover huge sums in a short time and with conclusive evidence from interessati.La recent fiscal space to try to counter the phenomenon mentioned above has introduced provisions on the effectiveness of which only in retrospect, may express an opinion. Private entities that will implement in their homes, renovations, it is compulsory (to be eligible for a substantial "discount" in the statement of income tax) to require the building is listed separately on the invoice cost of materials domestic labor (To see who, having no employees "register" will also be charged to the customer or who, having no employees and subcontracts work to another company, maybe even less of his rule.) Always on building contracts has been introduced administrative penalty if the client pays the fee for the work done by the contractor without first ensuring that it is withholding, and its contribution dependent on the labor used for such work were actually pagati.Per attempt to eliminate tax evasion, it was planned that in case of subcontracting, the tax payment is made differently from the ordinary, but this rule will have effective only after approval of the Union Europea.L 'tax evasion in the sale of immobiliCome has repeatedly reaffirmed, evasion is reduced when one party (or the buyer or seller) has an interest, as has a personal advantage, in that the other fails to pay. In this case, those who potentially would lead to escape, not "may" do so as not to lose the client or to avoid losing part of the gain, to convince the customer to "divide the bad half, reducing the amount fattura.Premesso, the situation is different depending on whether the commercial real estate (warehouses) and residential property (apartments) and whether the buyer and seller are private individuals or firms (individual or corporate form). In the case of industrial properties, usually the buyer and seller are companies (a "private" which acquired a warehouse could cast doubt on the lawfulness of his intent) . Moreover, in many cases (for financial reasons and / or tax) is through the purchase of an operation of financial leasing (leasing), whereby the owner (usually the manufacturer) to sell the property to a company leasing, simultaneously, the financial leases (lease with a sort of final redemption to a fixed amount) to the end user. In hypothesis of this type (which in the field of buying and selling commercial real estate are the norm), the buyer has the need to tax and interest which the seller declares the actual price, being able then subtracted (in the determination of taxable income and, therefore, higher or lower taxes to be paid on it) the amortization (ie, a percentage of the price for a number of years) or lease payments. There are, however, also cases in which both parties agree, an amount lower than the actual state and regulate the rest "black" and in cash, usually before the transfer (after a result, it is difficult to require the seller payment a sum which, officially, does not exist and may be cited in any official document, much less in a judicial proceeding of any debt collection).


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