...... probably want at that moment know.
There are, however, are many other reasons, the most different, for someone who wants to know something.
A small list / instructions for use.
- perhaps at that moment this interest, but absolutely do not give a fuck daughters.
may be not? Therefore refrain from moral and cazzatelle stralogore, thanks.
- for mere curiosity, beyond which the application is trivial and useless even to him that the application making the request.
- perhaps because they do not understand a fucking beloved what he has seen, heard or read, and maybe you will meet once filled a gap that is there to settle for ........ libidum .....
- maybe it is curious, and thank God (if there .....) This is one of the qualities that (I) recognize, and which I consider among the best virtue. Yes, curiosity is a gift, endless, endless, fascinating, exciting, stimulating.
Along with it is connected by a double thread of ignorance that goes hand in hand.
latter, although mentioned by many as a disability, for me it is a source of wisdom and intelligence. Get
means, at times, wanting to know, and want to know it means not knowing.
not know and ask it means not being ashamed to show their not knowing ..
size .. intelligence of each
increases only if you have the ability to not be ashamed to show their ignorance
... ...
This is the best answer to any question.
So if someone asks you something, answer in a correct and polite, as you can, to the question.
Any other attitude is synonymous with ignorance on your part. In this case ignorance truly.
As you know, or know, but your presuppositional put you in a position to prove stupid .... maybe more than you are.
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