When I say that in certain circumstances you can not refuse a cup of coffee is so good-neighborly relations can save the night.
empty fridge and a little 'jittery background (motivated from a variety of reasons but the main one is that three hours are shooting fireworks pseudo particularly bad, but noisy and firecrackers to celebrate St. Elias).
knock at this time of night, who's going? Let's see. My landlady and her husband as the Three Kings bring me a gift more than a pound of pears, fresh mint from the mountains all without preservatives. Also, a nice dish of stuffed zucchini as you do here. Long live the green hope!
empty fridge and a little 'jittery background (motivated from a variety of reasons but the main one is that three hours are shooting fireworks pseudo particularly bad, but noisy and firecrackers to celebrate St. Elias).
knock at this time of night, who's going? Let's see. My landlady and her husband as the Three Kings bring me a gift more than a pound of pears, fresh mint from the mountains all without preservatives. Also, a nice dish of stuffed zucchini as you do here. Long live the green hope!
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