Sunday, January 9, 2011

I-catcher Console/-web Monitor

Happy New Way

Photo of Oriana House, January 2011.

Happy New Way to all. Or those who are undertaking one.
Let me say something about it. My slogan for some years now, and do not change with the arrival of 2011, is that life has a lot more imagination than us.
We feel confident in our programs, rest assured that we will spend time in a place trying to achieve certain objectives, and then suddenly we find somewhere else to see new roofs, to scan faces of people we would not have expected. This happens so quickly and without warning that we feel scared, fearful that the rush we have did make bad decisions. And the point of initial application remains . We have horror to choose, find ourselves in a new situation which apparently contrasts with the previous year and where everything is still beyond our control. While studying for a statistics software predective analytics , thought the usefulness of such an instrument capable of making predictions on a database with the variants of our ego, able to direct and automate decisions to achieve our goals. Instead, all or is new and what we can observe is only the beginning, like in the picture. Do not see the end creates a sort of anxiety, we ask whether the wear of all our forces and our ideas are still there to support us and help us to achieve new goals. In fact anxiety is what drives us and the dose "just enough" we decide on the basis of something that does not change with the transformation of our ways: anxiety, fears, energy, motivation, confidence and hope are some of the components of our cars . Can we change course, but we who must be centered, make sure that everything is in order to be able to go straight, keep our balance, to have gasoline, oil change. Now, I find myself at the beginning of a tunnel in the mountains, the silence of nature, walking along with two big dogs (that I was afraid), and taking photos here and there. Strange, the roofs of Naba'a. I've always written about Lebanon, what my eyes saw there, and the deceptions of the heart to new feelings learned in Lebanon. The need to express themselves and share, however, remains. The taste for me is in the journey and do not get to a destination originally decided. We change the time, meetings, and edit the preferences, it would maintain the same surface eyes. André Gide said: " Que soit dans ton Regard the Importance, non dans la chose rega rdée! " [The importance is not in your eyes in what looked]. I found myself at a crossroads. I chose one of two paths that I had before, and still do not know if I made the right decision. Click is the act brave because it tells us that our gaze is changing, we'll see new things with a different spirit which led us in that direction. Waiting to reach the finish, we should at times put his oars and let the currents carry them and occasionally paddling with enthusiasm to get a bottle floating harbinger important messages.
PS = certainly, not all face choices and new ways in the same spirit. Improbably to me, there are beings capable of making decisions without too much fretting. I am done that so I wrote this post for me and my roommate adventures / misadventures Lebanese C.


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