Who does not know the famous President George Washington? But
go straight to the point.
99% of American presidents are Masons, George W. INCLUDING
Why not surprise me?
ah but the thing that interests us is his statue

This is the statue of George Washingtn.
Now, experts in art history will realize immediately that the statue looks like a lot to this

fact is equal to the statue of Zeus, the most important of the main pagan religion, polytheistic or better
But not even surprise me that the Illuminati reverence Zeus ...
But wait, and if we wanted to put the statue of Washington in comparison with another thing?
Look at this picture of that ugly goat of Satan and then tell me if it has the same positions of the hands of the statue of George Washington

But we move on to other symbols, this time Mastodon
know the tower of Babel? Clearly
the Babylonian people, you should know that the peoples of Egypt and Babylon were the most learned never existed, even now you see their superiority
Their incredible ability to build pyramids, or to affect the marble tombs in doing what exact angle 90 ° that even now it is impossible to build monuments or
incredibly precise with the sunset or the sunrise
So these two people were equipped with an incredible knowledge, and this is because, the legend says they were founded mainly by the same deity (which then created others)
And it is these two peoples to which you refer the enlightened .... [...]
the Strasbourg Parliament

to build it were "inspired" the tower of Babel

really interesting is not it?
But there were so many that everything will not be enough to write the entire memory of the Web! I would overload!

Notice anything? maybe you see an owl? the owl which is symbol of Masonry?
It will not be because Washington DC was designed by a Freemason?
Damn! What a coincidence!

not known anything on the streets of Washington? but maybe a pentacle
which is the symbol of SATAN!
Is not it amazing that the whole of Washington is like a huge temple to the demon that is full of Masonic symbols and Satanists?
You know the poster "I Want You"?

LOOK CAREFULLY THE STAR ON THE HAT AND BEARD and compare it with the image under

Satan is looking for you ...
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