I can say to be an expert on religion, if there is something I know is that Christianity does not convince me
know that the Egyptian mythology, or the story of the Gods and the Genesis is incredibly similar to the Christian
But the Christian is born later.
start with something simple: The cross



Notice anything? Perhaps the Christian cross is the mixture of the cross and the Egyptian Pagan?
now passed into history
Egyptian mythology says that a god created a universal spirit called NUN (THE CHAOS) from which emerged the Divine AMON; and then created the universe. Amon
created the deities, the first was called Atum, and was himself in when he was a part of the very soul of Amun, Atum He created Nut (the sky) and Geb (earth) dividing in turn the spirit.
Then Shu and Tefnut were born. Geb and Nut
Generation 4 children: Osiris, Isis, Nephthys and Seth.
Osiris was always Amon
So. Now start making connections.
Isis was a virgin, as Mary
Isis conceived her son Horus as though it was the Virgin Mary conceived Jesus
his birth was announced by the angel to the mother Thoth, who also informed that his son was born in a virginal conception
Cave December 25 the virgin Isis, announced by a star of the East
was worshiped in the cave by shepherds and three wise men who offered him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh
taught as a child in a temple
had 12 disciples at the age of 30 years He was baptized by a figure known as Anup, who was later beheaded (like John the Baptist)
fought against Satan in the desert 40 days
performed miracles like the resurrection of the dead and walk on water
was called the "Holy Child" and was known by many names, including "The Truth", "The Light," "Life," "The Anointed Son of God" and "Good Shepherd", "The Lamb", "The Morning Star "
Horus born in Annu, the "place of bread," while Jesus was born in Bethlehem, the "house of bread"
was crucified between two thieves, and after three days rose from the dead
is represented by a cross
along with Isis and Osiris, Horus is a member of the Egyptian trinity.
I have not invented anything, AND 'THE EGYPTIAN MYTHOLOGY
Another incredible figure is to
SETH Seth was a god and hostile rebel who attacked Osiris and was expelled from the pantheon of the Gods
Seth became a demon and collided with Horus son of the virgin Isis
Ok ..... Now we see Satan Satan was an angel
Rebel Attacks and hostility that God and Satan was cast out of Paradise became
collided with a fiend, and Jesus the son of the Virgin Mary
HOW MANY CONNECTIONS AS 'POSSIBLE that mythology has copied shamelessly Egyptian?
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