This premise was used to make you understand the levels of idiocy to which these people have come that they appoint Illuminati
The Microchip is the size of a grain of rice.

A new invention that eliminates the need to use paper money or credit card! Something I do not
square, let's see who manufactures these chips

Mondex? congratulations on your choice of name I have to say, since Mon-Dex means Right Hand
They spent more than $ 1.5 million in research only to find out what is the best place in the body, to insert the "bio-chip." And they found his forehead under the scalp and under the back of the hand, specifically ... THE RIGHT HAND.
And this reminds me of what a strange phrase of the Bible, specifically of ' Rev
He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave receive a mark on his right hand and on front, and that no one could buy or sell without the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Him who has understanding reckon the number of the beast: it is a man's name. And this number is six hundred sixty-six.
I am not surprised that the enlightened work of Satan for that goat
But you implant the microchip equivarebbe to become his servants and their servants
always know where you are and what to do, they will know who you are, when you were born, in short, everything!
And right now you are nothing but puppets who work six days a week for a meager salary ... real life so fun to throw? Care
my dolls ....
When the microchip will be mandatory, you can not help it! you should put it as the flu vaccine ... LAW AND
will not think you can bucarvi hand to remove it, the chip will be implanted in locations that can not be accessed without causing death, and although there riusciste the chip would release harmful chemicals
But you still have time to say No
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