Can never be of the opinion, even for a moment, no one is thinking of us?
Why have no doubt that it is not at all realistic to believe that you will not receive any consideration by others?
To me this does not happen, I I have a great, reliable friend of those interesting, intelligent and above all true: Jack Kung!
Big Jack Kung, strong Jack Kung, Kung cheers Jack, Jack Kung forever.
What would I do without him?
Jack Kung fills my days, and therefore the thoughts of joy, always has a good word, unappealing, really polite, friendly and above all good looking.
I remember when I was a bit 'down and I wrote
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(My blog is sharebooksreview.blogspot.com )
Jack Kung, who sagomaccia!!
We know those jokes that I almost pee on him, like the one who told me today, sentite un po':
Hi,how are you today?I have surfed your blog serveral times, your blog is great and having a lot of intresting idea. If you have time, you can visit my blog and feel free to give me some comment, more important thing is being my follower! Thank you very much.
(My blog is sharebooksreview.blogspot.com )
Or that once again that he stole from the dressing room Renato Rascel the dress that you see in the picture, as we ran and laughed as a fool repeating
Hi, how are you today? "I have surfed your blog serveral times, your blog is great and Having a lot of intresting idea. If You Have Time, you can visit my blog and feel free to give me some comment, more important thing is Being my follower! Thank you very much.
(My blog is sharebooksreview.blogspot.com )
But then sometimes it becomes serious, and when the case can also be reflective, like last week when he told me:
Hi, how are you today? "I have surfed your blog serveral times, your blog is great and Having a lot of intresting idea. If You Have Time, you can visit my blog and feel free to give me some comment, more important thing is Being my follower! Thank you very much.
(My blog is sharebooksreview.blogspot.com )
How to blame him, he, Jack Kung there is a person studied, and on the day of delivery of its fifth degree charmed the audience with a speech that is still on everyone's mind, carry only the initial step, the most incisive:
Hi, how are you today? "I have surfed serveral times your blog, your blog is great and Having a lot of intresting idea. If You Have Time, you can visit my blog and feel free to give me some comment, more important thing is Being my follower! Thank you very much.
(My blog is sharebooksreview.blogspot.com )
Really Kung friend Jack, can in any trouble finding a better solution, like the time he saw me lost in my ideas very productive, and gave me the right incentive to take the right path, I still remember his words:
Hi, how are you today? "I have surfed your blog serveral times, your blog is great and Having a lot of intresting idea. If You Have Time, you can visit my blog and feel free to give me some comment, more important thing is Being my follower! Thank you very much.
(My blog is sharebooksreview.blogspot.com )
Jack Kung is not a person like the others, he is one of those who deserve more from life.
A day like many others, with a few sentences he managed to avoid a poor man throws by a bridge.
We were all there as he, in a chant that fascinated the curious including me, spoke a kind of solemn speech that brought the desire to live in the poor soul with an anvil around his neck and photos of Gad Lerner in his hand.
He said
Hi, how are you today? "I have surfed your blog serveral times, your blog is great and Having a lot of intresting idea. If You Have Time, you can visit my blog and feel free to give me some comment, more important thing is Being my follower! Thank you very much.
(My blog is sharebooksreview.blogspot.com )
Jack Kung sa also be decided, and when you need it bad, however, like the time he was accused, quite unjustly I say spam, there I saw him really angry and thundered against the whole world with few, but effective and clear words:
Hi, how are you today? "I have surfed your blog serveral times, your blog is great and Having a lot of intresting idea. If You Have Time, you can visit my blog and feel free to give me some comment, more important thing is Being my follower! Thank you very much.
(My blog is sharebooksreview.blogspot.com )
Jack is Jack Kung Kung, none is as him and never will be. This
its multifaceted and never be like itself it will certainly become a reference point for all future generations.
Yes, because he, Jack Kung, has now decided that when the sky if they resume, will put on his tombstone as a warning that sounds to our heirs as a teacher of life
Hi, how are you today? "I have surfed your blog serveral times, your blog is great and Having a lot of intresting idea. If You Have Time, you can visit my blog and feel free to give me some comment, more important thing is Being my follower! Thank you very much.
(My blog is sharebooksreview.blogspot.com )
Jack Kung, respect you. Kung
Jack, you're an example
Jack Kung, tu conosci la via
Ecco, la conosci....quindi Jack, vedi di andare un po' và.....vai aff Hi,how are you today?I have surfed your blog serveral times, your blog is great and having a lot of intresting idea. If you have time, you can visit my blog and feel free to give me some comment, more important thing is being my follower! Thank you very much.
(My blog is sharebooksreview.blogspot.com )
Kung Hello Jack, I leave you with my personal thoughts:
Hi, how are you today? "I have surfed your blog serveral times, your blog is great and Having a lot of intresting idea. If You Have Time, you can visit my blog and feel free to give me some comment, more important thing is Being my follower! Thank you very much.
(My blog is sharebooksreview.blogspot.com )
(My blog is sharebooksreview.blogspot.com )
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