People are free to think so listening to rock music but
more prisoner than it sounds
Never heard of those groups that are called crazy or SAMAEL NERGAL?

are famous but in fact Nergal and Samael are the names of two Demons
Wait, before closing this article, yes, you're saying "I'm an atheist," "I do not believe," " the rock is music "....

really do not have dwelt on the texts of those songs that speak of Microchip emotional rock, new world order, a rising sun, a dark angel?
Or do you think they're just songs worth listening to? O
really do not you wonder why in the middle of the song people are naked and make strange moves, like the classic symbol of the horns?
No, because it shows that the same practices are also implemented to a black mass, of course, the concerts are disguised as songs and moments of "Adrenaline ...?"
If you pay attention in almost every argument it comes to light rock, rising sun (Satan), celebrations, world order, submission
And the Mass is owned ....

Very owned ....
Held by people who have since become the Servette Satan
Perhaps I exaggerate but it seems that this is the sad truth is everywhere
Top Satan has great ability to conceal its existence, celarla with your atheism and unbelief
And I do not speak of the Christian religion, but ancient religion
to you to judge, this article does not even include in the main list, it is only a curiosity, I know that many people take the wrong
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